About Our Founder
Our Story
When I was a teenager, I used to have unbelievably bad acne. This occurred on my cheeks and jawbones, and sometimes spreading to the sides of my neck. Looking back, it might have been hormonal, related to my diet or just not taking care of my skin during this time of my life but most likely it was a combination of all these factors. I was sent to specialists who prescribed medication and products, and due to allergies, I did not know I had, I ended up in the emergency room. I decided something had to change, so I changed what I could, my diet and my skincare routines. I found out back then that there were not a lot of resources available, and even today, healthy skincare is not easily accessible. I started trying different products that promised results in as soon as 3 days or after 3 months and none of them helped with my inflammation. I was left feeling angry and frustrated after spending thousands of dollars, and still I had the same problems, compounded with acne scaring and dull and uneven skin tones. It turned out something else changed things! I am lactose intolerant, and this manifested itself through skin problems. After removing all the dairy products from my diet and using natural skincare products without the harsh ingredients that irritated my skin, my acne cleared up. In addition, I also changed my diet with nourishing foods and taking a few minutes of the day for myself to destress. I still have hormonal acne and that is okay!
Kalonegy is an opportunity for me to share my experience and encourage others that to have beautiful skin means more than just applying multiple different kinds of skincare products. Kalonegy is striving to turn the habit of what we use to take care of our bodies into a sustainable and natural experience. And ultimately, how we take time to care for ourselves is what allows us to glow.
Kalonegy is an opportunity for me to share my experience and encourage others that to have beautiful skin means more than just applying multiple different kinds of skincare products. Kalonegy is striving to turn the habit of what we use to take care of our bodies into a sustainable and natural experience. And ultimately, how we take time to care for ourselves is what allows us to glow.